New Year's Resolution - Launch Milk It!

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Written by Courtney Uyeshiro

Okay, it's settled.  2012 will be the year I launch Milk It™. A little later than I had hoped, but as they say, better late than never.

It seems like just yesterday that Milk It was but a brainstormed flurry of Post It notes with scribbled concepts. I remember it clearly because it was September, 2009 and my husband and I were at Mammoth Mountain, celebrating our 5 yr anniversary, one year in advance.  

Why a year in advance? Because with a very pregnant belly, a house on the market and big plans to move 3 states over to Colorado, creating my own business was not the only thing on the list for the near future.

Although I had expected the road to launch for Milk It to be shorter, as my favorite quote on a Salada Tea bag said, "Life is what happens while you are making other plans."

It was a snowy April in 2010 when we moved to Boulder, CO with babe and toddler in arms, Moose the Puggle on our trail and a big yellow truck filled with all the things that busted the seams of our Oakland, CA bungalow.  Attempting to unpack and settle in, I anxiously decided to leave my job as a traveling salesperson at a financial firm and take the leap towards entrepreneurism or as a friend suggested, "mompreneurism."

Time was in my hands, right?

Well, it turns out the daily thrills and challenges of raising and taking care of a then 2 yr old and 3 month old, now 4 yr old and 2 yr old, can leave one quite literally exhausted of any energy, especially the creative kind!

And so it took me a bit longer to get into the Milk It rhythm and that rhythm was quite often "one step forward, two steps back," but things are lining up and I am thrilled to move into production this coming year!